Our New Basic Parts

We developed 4 new basic parts to contribute to the 2024 iGEM registry this year. Each of them was codon optimized for E. coli.

  • This includes an aprotinin coding sequence, which encodes for a serine protease inhibitor. This was performed because the previous team working on a part that also encoded for aprotinin did not properly list all of their modifications on their part page.
  • We consider our most important basic part to be added is the destructin-1 coding sequence which creates a serine protease, the main enzyme that P. destructans uses to degrade collagen and keratin to infect bat hosts1. The full sequence for this protein includes a leader peptide for extracellular secretion, and putative inhibitory peptide that is cleaved to form the mature protein.
  • In addition coding sequences for destructin-2 & destructin-3 have also been added to the registry. They are very similar to destructin-1 with sharing 90% amino acid identity with destructin-2 and 56% with destructin-3. Although we are not focused on generating these proteases within this cycle of the project we hope to characterize them more the following cycle.
  • The goal of these parts is to encourage other teams to potentially try other approaches in inhibiting destructin-(1-3) to be used to counter white nose syndrome.

The goal of these parts is to encourage other teams to potentially try other approaches in inhibiting destructin-(1-3) to be used to counter white nose syndrome.


  1. O’Donoghue, A.J. et al. (2015) ‘Destructin-1 is a collagen-degrading endopeptidase secreted by Pseudogymnoascus Destructans, the causative agent of white-nose syndrome’, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 112(24), pp. 7478–7483. /pnas.1507082112.